
Posts Tagged ‘Faire la fête’

At 64, Charlotte Rampling is still the epitome of sultry style and elegance. Maybe it’s down to having spent a large portion of her adult life living in Paris, a synonym for elegance. Or could it be that there are also some simple rules that us gals can follow to ensure that we are still sexy at 60?

I for one intend to age gracefully, and there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a little head start, so here are my Ten Commandments which every girl should follow to remain fabulous in her golden years:

  1. No carbs after 6pm (Does sushi count as carbs?)
  2. Be blessed with lucky genes. Or if not, invest in some Spanx (see ‘Faire la Fête ‘)
  3. Do as Ms Rampling does and live in two countries – that way you’ll never become stifled and stale.
  4. Invest in fabulous shoes. No-one will be gazing anywhere above the ankle so therefore no need for botox.
  5. If faut soufrir pour être belle. Bare legs in the snow and too-high heels? Two words: Tights and Taxi.
  6. Preserve your va-va-voom  with a glass of Champagne. As Marlene Dietrich one said ‘it gives the impression that every day is Sunday’.
  7. Make sure your husband still refers to you as ‘ma femme’. It’s much sexier and more mysterious than ‘wife’.
  8. Sit in your favourite café and just enjoy the moment. Luckily I have this down to a ‘t’.
  9. Avoid anything that involves too much effort for too little pleasure. For instance, why on earth would you not have a dishwasher (as I once said to an estate agent)?
  10. Maintain one’s ‘myth’. If you don’t have a myth, get one, and maintain it.

Love, Amandine x

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